Warren Fahey is a towering figure in Australian bush music: folk music. He set up Larrikin Records back in the days before the wheel. He was performing at the Art Gallery mid-week, for no particular reason that I could divine. He is a character. A legend. Larger than life. But if you did not know about him you just might think that he was a dork and that his music sucks!
However, see that discrete little pin on the lapel of his jacket? That is an Order of Australia!
I love Warren Fahey, used to go up to Folkways at Paddington all the time was back in the 70s. Was the only place to get the sort of obscure music that I loved. Flash, or existing light?
Existing light. I asked at the desk for the rules for personal photography: Ground floor only. No flash. Do not photograph anything Aboriginal.
Re your comment on the Eye: Don't ask me that sort of question!!! I set the aperture at F11. I adjusted the s/s until the dial was zero. I focussed. I shot. It took a perceptible length of time to take, like seconds. It was about 10pm Saturday night: I only did the course that morning. I pretty much think that I guessed!!
Yes I cut my teeth listening from 10pm - midnight each week night to the Folk Music show on 4BH from 1962 to about 1969! Love folk music ... music of the people!
The top shot shows the larrikin but I really like the bottom one. I'm surprised to see there still people alive who play the button accordian ... also playing the saw like you showed a while ago.
The contrast between the two portraits is quite dramatic, isn't it? I like the serious face AND the contrast between the subject and the art work on the wall behind. Just a wonderful contrast not of my making ... I simply took advantage of it.
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