Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Cara (061) Carol

Carol, from Cork in Ireland, was taking time out from her never ending medical degree to travel Asia by herself. She's a great story teller and, from our experience, quite accident prone. Even with the life jacket on, coming away from a gentle snorkelling session in calm waters with all sorts of cuts and bruises after scraping herself on some coral and then getting out at the wrong spot and having to hack her way through the rainforest. Luckily, as with her other adventures, she always saw the funny side.


Stefan Jansson said...

Asia on your own sounds like an adventure. Great smile here.

Julie said...

Yeah, one gutsy chick!

I wonder though the story behind the never-ending medical degree ... put that together with the accident-prone ... and you get one smart lass but minus the street-smarts.

I wish to be her fairy-godmother ... I know that sort of person intimately ...

Ann said...

good luck to her, its what makes life worth living, she's gain experience she could never get stuck in a uni in a city.