Sunday, October 17, 2010

Cara (062) Yvon

What a character. Yvon and his partner are from Brittany in France and just prior to me meeting them had travelled across West and North Africa in a 2CV van. You can imagine the funny stories. They were half way through their 18 month travels with Nepal and Thailand still to go WOW I was so jealous. My lasting memory of him is starting a chant ("Allez Mary! Allez Mary!) to encourage my daughter to get over her shyness and wish the restaurant owner a happy Id Ul Fitr in Indonesian - in return for the lollipop she had been eyeing for about half an hour. After such unyeilding support, she uncharacteristically caved into the pressure, recited it perfectly and got her reward.


Julie said...

That is a gorgeous portrait, Cara. You have taken a leaf out of the book of our 'master'!

I do like the text that goes with it. Fancy have the thought to do a jourey like that. I was too timid all my life to withdraw from the mainstream striving. Regret that now ... but hey ...

bitingmidge said...

Yes Cara, another beauty - both photo and subject. I am not sure what it is about Frenchmen and adventure travel, perhaps it's their ties with North Africa which make it somehow familiar?

I just love the way you have captured his personality gushing out from every pore, and the light: where you under an awning?

cara said...

Cheers to you both!

Yes we were in a little balinese-style palm-leaf covered hut and it was about 10am so the sun was high in the sky.