Saturday, May 7, 2011

Peter 085 - Harve

Somehow it got to be nearly three in the morning, and the music is mellowing to a selection of classics from the forties.

By day he is a senior executive in a moderately sized publishing organisation, speaks several languages although modestly denies that unless pressed to respond in something other than his native tongue.  By night, he just as modestly sings sublime harmonies across the dinner table.


Ann said...

Sounds, and looks, like a wonderful night. I am much shallower than Julie and am quite happy to admire the younger Gallic male. The drinking culture seems much like Italy - a glass of wine is a part of every meal and you are brought up with it. I was allowed watered down wine or shandy, in small amounts from the age of about 10. (My mother's family is Italian.) You don't get into binging if you are brought up to think drinking a glass of wine is normal. Its when you're told you can't have it that the binging happens.

cara said...

I just bought a lighhtscoop which is transforming my indoor flash photography. These pictures are so well lit. Do you have a fancy flash or a lightscoop?

bitingmidge said...

Hi Cara, I have a cheap fancy flash ($120 Nikon) for this shot it was bounced off the ceiling, ie straight up just to fill the room light a little more.

For the shot of Tam - no flash, just careful exposure, and in a day or two -Di had full flash in bright sunlight behind her - straight camera flash though - in bright light the camera flash works pretty well.

As I near 90 shots in this project I am starting to realise how automatic all that sort of thing has become. Mostly I don't have to think too hard at all and it works OK.

Part of that process is that I don't bother wasting "film" when I now know it's not going to work.

bitingmidge said...

Hi Cara, I have a cheap fancy flash ($120 Nikon) for this shot it was bounced off the ceiling, ie straight up just to fill the room light a little more.

For the shot of Tam - no flash, just careful exposure, and in a day or two -Di had full flash in bright sunlight behind her - straight camera flash though - in bright light the camera flash works pretty well.

As I near 90 shots in this project I am starting to realise how automatic all that sort of thing has become. Mostly I don't have to think too hard at all and it works OK.

Part of that process is that I don't bother wasting "film" when I now know it's not going to work.

Ann said...

What's a lightscoop? I need to get over my aversion to using flash and learn to use at least fill flash. The stuff I was doing outside over the weekend was all harsh shadows on the face and probably needed flash.