Sunday, September 9, 2012

Peter 097 - Bill

Bill is a Scot who has lived in France for most of the past half century.  He is a linguist, boat technician par excellence and author whose life should be the subject of a book.  He is presently working on just that, and I shall try to persuade him to use this photograph on the dust jacket!

His first novel (self-published without external editing) is, he says, not very good but it's a start and he's online.   Now he's hoping to get a bit serious with the next one.

Bill joins a long list of people who in our travels do not remain strangers for long!

Note:  ISO 250 (the old camera gets a bit noisy at faster speeds), f4, 1.0 second exposure, hand held and braced on the table - lighting by a single 8w cabin light.   Given Bill and I both shake a bit, the almost sharpness here is a small miracle!


cara said...

The light, the pose, the angle, the expression on his face all blend beautifully to give the scene an air of mystery... like he's about to tell us a very spooky story. Well done on the non shakiness, also.

Ann said...

Agree with Cara. Looks like its a ghost story. The lighting is excellent adn well done on hand holding for that long.

Julie said...

You certainly made the most of the reflected light off that open white page, Pierre. A second is an amazinly long time ... when one is waiting ...

Gunn said...

What a great portrait!