Monday, February 23, 2009

Peter 035 - No!

No runs the ancient Hamburger Trailer at the Fisherman's Road Markets. I don't think that's her real name, but it's what she says every time I ask her if she's going to tell me who she is, and whether I can take her photo so I just have to go with that.

She says it's not OK to take her photo if she knows about it, and reckons I'd never get one if she didn't. She has spent forever running around looking for people "with character" for me to photograph, (Yes that's her with Liam and Dodger yesterday, and it was she who pointed out old Victor a few weeks ago!) so I had to stake out her truck and wait till she was otherwise occupied to abide by her rules.

Over the past few weeks, I've got to know how long her carpet's been down in her bedroom, where each of her children live and what they paid for their houses, and pretty much everything else but her name! When I first approached her a few weeks ago, she had an apron that was ummm...well it had as much patina as the outside of her van. I really wanted that shot!

I had to take the picture this week, because if our relationship gets any closer, she'll end up being my mother.


Julie said...

A great story, Peter. You are spot on with this choice: I am envious!

bitingmidge said...

Thanks Julie, three weeks is hardly an impromptu capture, but there's nothing in the rules about how long you have to chat is there?


Ann said...

Wonderful, with or without the story.

Joan Elizabeth said...

I agree, a really good shot.

Julie said...

Absolutely nothing in the rules that we cannot bend! It used to be that a stranger was anyone who had not been properly introduced.

In my office, they like to check out the photos each morning and see how we are pinging off each other ...