Saturday, July 10, 2010

Peter 079 - Gacinto

Gacinto and his wife Karin had just sold their house and we managed to be quite coincidentally at the party to mark the occasion.  Actually the party was hosted by the couple who had bought it.

He is Spanish/French and speaks little English, which, given the dirth of languages other than English in our repertoire meant conversation between us was lively and full of laughs during a very very long night.

He's a bit of alright on the guitar, and there wasn't a sad song sung all night.

This photo was taken at about 8:15 on a brilliant Orleans summer evening, with light that seems at first glance a lot like home, but look again!


Luis Gomez said...

Love it! Great portrait.

Julie said...

Moi, aussi

Ann said...

Anche io. (French was never my strong point) Oh to have that light.

Julie said...

8:15 at night ... just realised what you had said ... I have done a coupla courses that try to get naturally lit portraits using reflector sheets. This approximates that with just that little bit of shadow. Here by 5pm we have a distinct golden glow to our light.

bitingmidge said...

What I don't get is the shadow from his nose. The sun was very low, and it was the "golden hour" as you noted Julie, but the nose shadow seems to be lit from above?

A reflector would have softened it somewhat I'm sure.

Julie said...

Possibly a combination of the angle of the sun and the even more extreme angle of the camera. The physics of it sure is a puzzle.

cara said...

Beautifully warm picture. The colours, light and expression on his face are all very inviting.

Stefan Jansson said...

Love this one.