Friday, September 24, 2010

Cara (057) Shihab

Shihab was laughing at Kassim in a "you asked for it" type of way. Then Kassim suggested I take one of Shihab. He was gracious and patient, letting me sort myself (and the camera settings) out. The bottom shot was my first attempt. It looked great through the viewfinder! Actually despite it being over exposed and out of focus, I quite like it. I didn't notice the pink and the blue in the background when I took the pictures but I quite like them too.


Ann said...

Focus in this one looks just fine. Great shot.

bitingmidge said...

I love them both, SPECIALLY the bottom one!
As to manual focus: as a present to myself on my 40th I got rid of all lenses that didn't focus themselves!

Julie said...

There is a Mahatma Ghandi quality to the top one. The bottom one looks like it has been found in a trunk after many years.

Diary From Africa said...

Your photo's - and the moods they capture - are great, as ever !